◎Company name...KYOTO Bike Travel (Kyoto bike travel)

◎Operation Director...Kaji, Hiroyuki(Hiroyuki Kaji)

◎Address...〒612-8473 Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 下鳥羽広長町 217 cover note motor cycle in the KYOTO Bike Travel Bureau


◎Operating officer email address... info@kyotobiketravel.com

◎Home page URL... https://kyotobiketravel.com

◎Price...products and service prices(excluding tax) is displayed.

◎Product other than the required fee...Tour・courses・events, etc. to participate in transportation・food and drink(entry fee not included) if the goods are received (download in the case of the goods)involved in the communication costs (provider fees・charges・electric power, etc.) paid by the customer.

◎Payment method...credit card payment facilities.

◎Payment time...Tour・courses・events, etc., at the time we listed the due date to pay your event fee(prepayment). Download the goods after the settlement,and to download.

◎Cancel...the tour price, etc when booking. Refund of the transfer fees borne by you.

◎Return...tour・workshops・events, including, the nature of the product returns cannot be accepted from you. Download can download for 7 days and then within operating officer FAX(above), please contact if, and only if, the return response. Refund from Bank charges the customer's expense.

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